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Graphic Resource Index Do you know how many Buddhist Temples, Monasteries and Centers are there in the US? Click here to find out..
Graphic Resource Index The First Foreign Missionary From America? Click here to find out..
Graphic Resource Index Visit Summer Institute of Religious Studies.. Click here!
Sonrise Center for Buddhist Studies, Inc. (SCBS) is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization whose vision is to see a church established and leadership discipled among every unreached Buddhist people group.
Our mission is to equip the Christian community with relevant information and appropriate training for ministry in a Buddhist pluralistic context so that they can intelligently share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their friends, relatives, co-workers and neighbors next door.
Our constituency ranges from national and international pastors, church leaders, missionaries among Buddhist peoples, as well as new Christians in formerly unreached Buddhist people groups. In 1994, we trained over 92 missionaries from 23 countries on three different continents.
We also receive inquiries, worldwide, from professors, teachers, students, and lay people struggling to proclaim the gospel in a Buddhist pluralistic context. We have been called upon for our expertise on religious movements in the U.S., including Tibetan, Nichiren, martial arts, Chinese folk religions and Zen. Many organizations such as the Christian Research Institute and The Christian Handbook on World Religions refer their inquiries to us for information. To read more of what people are saying about us, click here!
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