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Graphic Resource Index Do you know how many Buddhist Temples, Monasteries and Centers are there in the US? Click here to find out..

Graphic Resource Index The First Foreign Missionary From America? Click here to find out..

Graphic Resource Index Visit Summer Institute of Religious Studies.. Click here!

Sonrise Center for Buddhist Studies, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that relies on the financial support of those who share our vision to introduce people to the truth of Jesus Christ.

We receive inquiries, worldwide, from professors, teachers, students, and lay people struggling to proclaim the gospel in a Buddhist pluralistic context. We have been called upon for our expertise on religious movements in the U.S. Many organizations such as the Christian Research Institute and The Christian Handbook on World Religions refer their inquiries to us for information.

Through your prayers and financial supportyou can help this ministry to equip the Christian community with relevant information and appropriate training for ministry in a Buddhist pluralistic context so that they can intelligently share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their friends, relatives, co-workers and neighbors next door. If you support the work of our ministry and are looking for a way to get involved, we ask you to prayerfully consider joining our ministry as a financial partner. 

Please send your donations in for a tax-deductible receipt to:

Sonrise Center for Buddhist Studies, Inc.
Post Office Box 116
Sierra Madre, CA 91025

In addition, you can join us in telling the world the truth of Jesus Christ by doing the following:


Here is a sample: Hey everyone, I found this incredible website on Buddhism! Their mission is to equip the Christian community with relevant information and appropriate training for ministry in a Buddhist pluralistic context so that they can intelligently share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their friends, relatives, co-workers and neighbors next door. Check it out now and be equipped!

The web address is

In Christ, Your Name Here


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